Reel Life January 2021
- Taranaki
- 20/01/2021
- Richie Cosgrove
Despite cooler conditions and some rain from 18-21 January, river flows have quickly returned to their summer lows and late afternoon water temperatures are once again reaching or exceeding 22OC in the lower reaches of streams.
With significant diurnal variation in water temperatures occurring, fishing in the early morning (6 - 9am) will likely be most productive, as will fishing in the middle and upper reaches of streams where water temperatures are cooler.
Check out the following link for water temperature information on the Taranaki Regional Council’s website
While cicada have yet to make much of an appearance, there are plenty of other terrestrials about, including beetles, passion vine hoppers and grasshoppers and casting imitations to rising fish or running them through riffles and pocket-water will be worth trying.
A small nymph on a dropper under a bushy dry fly will also be a good rig to go with until cicada get into full swing.
In the smaller streams, look for brown trout cruising the pools and deeper runs in a well-defined beat.
Ambushing these cruisers with a dry fly cast well ahead of the fish can make for some exciting angling.
Above: An awesome summer ringplain brown-photo Mike Bakker.
Try fishing for perch

A good catch of perch from Lake Rotokare-photo Carlos Vale.
Perch are a white-fleshed good-eating species that is present in a number of our lowland lakes, including Lakes Ngangana (Waitara), Rotomanu (New Plymouth), Ratapiko (Tariki) and Rotokare and Rotorangi east of Eltham.
Early morning or evening spin fishing with toby, veltic or rapala lures, the use of soft baits, or a worm suspended under a bubble float should bring success.
Taranaki Region fishing information
Fishing information for the Taranaki ringplain, Whanganui and Ruapehu areas is available online at
Tight Lines
Allen Stancliff, Taranaki Fish & Game Officer.