Both Barrels
Both Barrels July 2024 - Otago
Out for a duck This weekend is the final opportunity to hunt mallard and shoveler in the Otago. The mallard season ends on Sunday, July 28.
- Otago
- 23/07/2024
Both Barrels June 2024 - Otago
Late-season hunting for mallards Picture Above: This laydown blind worked best for mallards in a paddock in the first hours of morning light but needed more greenery for cover.
- Otago
- 20/06/2024

Both Barrels May 2024 - Otago
Good times despite lower bags on Opening Clutha District might have been the place to be for duck-hunting on Opening Weekend, notching up the highest harvest rate in Otago this year.…
- Otago
- 23/05/2024
Both Barrels April 2024 - Otago
May the 4th be with you! Sorry about that awful pun in the headline.
- Otago
- 21/04/2024

Both Barrels July 2023 - Otago
Above: Bente, A delightful and determined Deutsch Drahthaar, gives up her quarry to the boss, David Dodd.
- Otago
- 17/07/2023

Both Barrels June 2023 - Otago
Above: As ducks head for larger bodies of water, so should the hunters. Big water, bigger opportunities.
- Otago
- 20/06/2023

Both Barrels May 2023 - Otago
Above: Keith Leslie had a good Opening Weekend with his dog Ellie near the Pomahaka River. Photo: Ian Hadland.
- Otago
- 15/05/2023

Both Barrels April 2023
Above right: Not long to go before the sun rises over the decoys.
- Otago
- 19/04/2023

Both Barrels March 2023
Welcome to our first Both Barrels of the 2023 hunting season.
- Otago
- 22/03/2023
- Richie Cosgrove
Both Barrels July 2022
Late-season decoysIt’s late season. The mornings are cold, and it’s a lot harder to get out of bed than it was in May.
- Otago
- 19/07/2022