This permit is only issued if you have a current season licence.
WEEKEND HUNTING ONLY – Hunting times from 7.00am to 6.00pm.
There are a number of Rayonier Forests in the Auckland/Waikato area which provide excellent pheasant and quail hunting opportunities (only for weekends).
Areas are:
Tairua, Maramarua, Waihou & Mahurangi Forests (Maps of the hunting areas will be sent to you with the permit).
The Hamilton office of Auckland Waikato Fish & Game Council issues these forest access permits ($50 per permit) on behalf of Rayonier. One permit fee covers all four forests. This fee covers the permit, coloured maps and public liability insurance while hunting in any of these Rayonier forests.
For up to date permit fee information, see the current issue of Gamebird Hunting Guide Regulations: North Island - the small booklet that should come with your hunting licence.
Hunters requiring a permit must provide the details shown in the request below, this will be sent onto our Hamilton office. Payment information (typically via internet banking) will be sent to you.