Fish & Game magazine is a must read resource for anglers and game bird hunters. Through stories, local knowledge and up to date information, the magazine will inform and equip you in the pursuit of your chosen quarry.

Fish & Game NZ Magazine began in 1993. Bob South became the editor in 1994 after a direct approach from then national Fish & Game councillor Tom O’Connor with a desire to have his organisation involved in a world class national publication.

The first F&G ‘Special Issue’ was a collaboration between the Fish and Game Council and the publishers to add regional content and mail out to licence holders to better communicate Fish & Game's work and objectives.  

Hamish Carnachan took over as editor from Bob South for a number of years before Fish and Game bought the magazine back from the publishers. Fish and Game ceased the quarterly commercial editions and continued to produce the two special editions in March and August each year, continuing a 31 year tradition for game and fishing licence holders. 

Read Special Issues Online:


Issue 59 Issue 58 Issue 57
Issue 56  Issue 55 Issue 54
56 55
Issue 53  Issue 52 Issue 51
66 64 62
 Issue 50 Issue 49   Issue 48
60  54 55
 Issue 47 Issue 46 Issue 45
56 57 45
Issue 44 Issue 43 Issue 42
44 43 42