Fishing Blogs

20240110 Omori Lodge 85
Fishing Can’t Cure Cancer… But It Can Definitely Ease the Symptoms

Colin Tan guides Alan Page on the Mangawhero By Paul Catmur Although fly fishing has many benefits, it has yet to be recognised by medical professionals as a cure for cancer.…

  • 28/08/2024
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Beau Feature Pic2
Starting out from scratch

Written by Beau Jarvis-Child A change was afoot at the Hamilton Fish & Game office. The phone call had been made, the dotted line signed, the position filled.

  • 27/08/2024
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Photo 3 Bait fishing basics
Bait Fishing Basics

By Cohen Stewart Trout fishing can be quite challenging, particularly for those who are new to the pursuit.

  • 28/02/2024
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Tree planting at Takitakitoa Wetland
Anglers doing their bit

By Jacob Lucas A spade crunches into the earth, out goes some soil, in goes a tree.

  • 28/02/2024
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IMG 6467
Angling for Wellbeing

“How are you?” Three words guaranteed to be on the lips of many anglers at the start of their next fishing trip.

  • 28/02/2024
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Being on the water at sunrise is as good for the soul as it is for the fishing
Fishing for the Cost-Conscious

By Paul Stenning   As a keen trout fisherman, I had looked forward to this stage of my life.

  • 28/02/2024
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Women fishing v2
Women Embrace Freshwater Angling In Aotearoa New Zealand

By Leigh Johnson and Rachel McNae   Freshwater angling is witnessing a palpable change in New Zealand that amplifies women's voices and presence on our stunning lakes and riverbanks  Amidst New Zealand's breathtaking…

  • 28/02/2024
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