Find out river flow and lake level information for the Taranaki region.

If you are planning on going on a fishing trip within the Taranaki Region then it may pay to check out the current river level of where you intend to fish.

Knowing current river level and weather forecasts for the areas times you plan your fishing trips will allow you to make an informed decision on which rivers to fish during and after rainfall. River flow data used in conjunction with a weather forecast means you can decide where to go and when, what to take and how to fish in order to make your trip as successful as possible.

Taranaki Fish and Game Region lies across the borders of two Regional Councils, Taranaki and Horizons Regional Council. Both Regional Council websites list most regional rivers and provide up to date information on river flows

River flow:

Visit the following regional Council web sites to get the latest river flow information for the Taranaki Fish and Game Region fisheries:

Horizons Regional Council also has Waterline - a 24-hour freephone service which provides river height and rainfall information.