Reel Life April 2021

  • 15/04/2021

Reel Life April 2021

Winter fishing is all go. 

With the temperatures cooling and fish becoming more active pre-spawning, the fishing opportunities are excellent. Well-conditioned fish and the lure of a trophy means now is the time to get out there. 

A lot of anglers only fish in the summer and miss what winter fishing offers. Make the most of your whole season licence or grab a winter licence now and get amongst the action. You’ll be amazed by the condition and voraciousness of the fish. 

Check out the regional links above to find the best fishing locations near you and get the lowdown on how to catch them. You can also contact the regional offices and get first-hand information from our experienced staff. 

Some waters close at the end of April, many are open longer and there are plenty that are available all year round. If in doubt check out your regulations booklet to find the places open and remember, if they are named in the regulations book, that’s because there’s fish in them!

This is the last Reel Life until August when we kick off our communications for the coming season.

The team at Fish & Game want to wish you tight lines and the best of luck for your winter fishing expeditions.


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