Reel Life

Reel Life February 2020
River and stream flows have remained low in February with flows sitting just below the average annual low flow.
- Taranaki
- 4/02/2020

Taranaki Reel Life January 2020
All rivers and streams are at their summer low flow, which is providing anglers with a great opportunity to spot trout on their feeding lies in shallow riffles and pocket…
- Taranaki
- 20/01/2020

Taranaki Reel Life January 2020
All rivers and streams are at their summer low flow, which is providing anglers with a great opportunity to spot trout on their feeding lies in shallow riffles and pocket…
- Taranaki
- 20/01/2020

Taranaki Reel Life November 2019
Rivers remain in good condition for anglingAfter a warm and settled early November, the westerly rains have returned and there have been regular freshes to maintain stream baseflows and ensure…
- Taranaki
- 20/11/2019
- Richie Cosgrove

Taranaki Reel Life October 2019
Early season success despite the weatherA succession of westerly fronts have produced several minor freshes since opening day, but in between times ringplain streams have been very fishable and some…
- Taranaki
- 21/10/2019

Taranaki Reel Life September 2019
Good early season fishing expectedTaranaki Fish & Game staff are tipping local trout streams to be in good condition when the new fishing season opens next week on Tuesday October…
- Taranaki
- 23/09/2019

Taranaki Reel Life August 2019
Productive early spring fishing expectedRegular freshes have kept base flows relatively high, but Taranaki ringplain rivers and streams are clearing very quickly after rain and the winter fishing reaches have…
- Taranaki
- 20/08/2019

Taranaki Reel Life April 2019
Waterways in great shape for spawning troutThree freshes in the last three weeks have cleared out the accumulated algal growth and sediment from streams and restored base flows - so…
- Taranaki
- 30/04/2019
Taranaki Reel Life March 2019
‘Great angling’ ahead There’s been only a couple of very minor freshes since our last edition of Reel Life and flows have quickly dropped back to their summer lows.
- Taranaki
- 29/03/2019