Taranaki Reel Life December 2018
- Taranaki
- 19/12/2018
Summer angling's here!
River and stream flows are now approaching their summer levels and conditions are definitely favouring the fly fisher as trout are now much more visible on their feeding lies.
Right: Another awesome summer ringplain brown caught by Michael Bakker.
Even larger rivers like the Waingongoro, and the Manganuioteao and Mangawhero rivers in the Waimarino are currently clear and very fishable.
As usual in summer, the lower flows and warm days mean higher water temperatures and the lower reaches of ringplain rivers and streams are now exceeding 20C in mid to late afternoon.
An early morning visit to these areas will therefore be most productive. Water temperatures in the middle and upper reaches of ringplain streams, and in Waimarino fisheries, are still low enough that trout will be feeding at any time of the day or night.
The use of small nymphs and emergers is bringing success in ringplain streams, along with beetle imitations, both brown and green in sizes 14-16.
Hatches of caddis are also increasing and this should see trout more active on the evening rise in the larger river pools.
Stratford kids' trout fishing release
By the time you read this, the Stratford kids’ trout fishing event will have been held, but with 300 rainbows released into the Scout Den pool in King Edward Park there will still be plenty of fish available to licenceholders.
Previous experience has shown that most of the trout stay in the Scout Den pool in the upper Patea River for some weeks after the release and then gradually disperse, mostly in a downstream direction.
This release provides a great opportunity to introduce kids and novice anglers to trout fishing and fly, spin and bait fishing methods can all be used.
Don’t forget to ‘Check, Clean & Dry’
Please check, clean and dry any clothing, equipment and fishing gear before moving between waterways to help prevent the spread of didymo, lake snow and other freshwater pests.
Didymo has not yet found its way into the Taranaki Fish & Game Region so let's keep it that way!
For more information click here