Weekly Fishing Report - 23 November 2017

  • Wellington
  • 23/11/2017
  • Wellington

Weekly Fishing Report - 23 November 2017

There's no doubt this is the best start to the season we've had in years!   

The rivers are in superb shape, the condition of the fish is spectacular, and there are plenty of fat trout about right from the headwaters through to the lowlands.

In fact Wellington anglers’ are blessed with so many top-quality fishing opportunities this season the conundrum for many is trying to decide where to go.

Sea-runs are still prevalent in the lower reaches as they chase what has been a very good whitebait run, and the backcountry is fishing exceptionally well too.

In between we have the favoured mid-reaches of the Ruamahanga firing for the first time in quite a few seasons, and the larger rivers further north – Manawatu and Rangitikei – have dropped their high spring flows and now offer hundreds of kilometres of easily accessible world-class angling.

Yep, the lower North Island is literally awash with angling opportunities and the weather is again going to be glorious right through the weekend and beyond... Get into it.

Grab your fishing licence online here. And don't be disappointed, only the premier Full Season Licence offers unhindered angling unlike the other cheaper categories.    

PS - Those anglers likely to be affected by Vodafone terminating its email service, please see the noticeboard below.

Pictured above right: A well-conditioned lower Ruamahanga River brown taken by Peter de Boer. (Credit Andrew Harding

Here's the outlook:

Hutt River and tributaries


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The weather has been that good, with so little rain, the Hutt River is actually running very low... about as low as it can get. Check out the gorges and more shaded areas in the headwaters of the mainstem and tribs. If you're fishing the main Hutt then look very carefully in the fast-running shallow riffles - these lies tend to hold fish in the Hutt.               


Kapiti Coast


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All the Kapiti Coast rivers are looking stunning and will be perfect for the weekend. Still a bit fickle in the upper and mid reaches of the main rivers on the Coast but that could be because of the abundance of food at the river mouths - a great opportunity to bag some fine-eating sea-runs.         




Click the weather icons above to update.

The Ruamahanga is starting to get quite low so look to the deeper pools and confluence areas as the fish head for cooler water. Also very good numbers about down the lower end, south of the Martinborough bridge.  




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The Manawatu is looking great again so all the tribs will be firing too - take your pick. Not too many reports from the mainstem, possibly because the limelight has been stolen by the 'easy' trout at Centennial Lagoon left over from our kids fish-out event. Heaps of options for Palmy anglers and their families this weekend! NOTE: A competition is being held on the Manawatu this weekend - please check the Noticeboard below.




Click the weather icons above to update.

A few showers in the district will have no impact on the Rangitikei or its tribs and could, in fact, bring the fish on given the high temps. Everything's all set up here for some spectacular fishing action.         

Video of the week

Can't wait to get out this weekend? Let this short video whet your appetite... Click the screenshot below to watch...


Tip of the Week - School Up


Our latest angling newsletter - free to our licence holders.

Wellington Fish & Game is dedicated to helping our anglers get maximum value from their investment in a fishing licence.

That's why we put a lot of effort into trying to keep you informed of happenings in the region, and also how to get the most from the superb fishing resource we have in our patch.

There's a heap of info we produce specifically for this purpose - including our recently published Angling Newsletter pictured above (click the cover to download a copy).

It's got plenty of tips and places to target this season so make sure you have a read.

We also produce a whole swag of other info including access guides and 'How-to' brochures for beginners through to advanced anglers.

The more you learn about fishing and the region's fishery, the better your chances of success and the greater enjoyment you'll get from your angling.

The info is there - time to school up.      

By Wellington Fish & Game officer Hamish Carnachan.

Stuck for Christmas present ideas?


If you’re short of ideas on pressies for outdoor-minded friends or relations, consider a subscription to our Fish & Game NZ magazine.

Given the price of glossy mags these days it’s a real bargain for an annual subscription of $35. There’s heaps of great info on the mag’s website too. And if you're quick you can still bag yourself a new Epic Kiwi Classic fly rod.

Head to the magazine website (click the cover image above) and find out how to enter.


Notice board

  • The Sport Fly Fishing NZ Manawatu Regional Competition will be held on the upper Manawatu river along Bluff Rd and Jackson Rd this weekend Nov 25-26. If other anglers are looking for some quiet solitude they may wish to fish another stretch of river this weekend.
  • Email updates - If you are a Vodafone email customer you're will be affected by the company closing the service at the end of Nov. Please don't forget to email us your updated details so you can continue receiving our Weekly Fishing Reports.   
  • River bulldozing - Don't let this activity by Greater Wellington Regional Council ruin your fishing. Click here for the latest schedule of river destruction (you can also register your complaints through this page).
  • Ruamahanga access at Gliding Club (Greytown). Anglers are being directed to the Tilsen Road access.
  • Moawhanga Flushing Flows - Click here for more information but following is an early alert for the dates the flushes be will conducted: 

- 12/13 December
- 23/24 January (after Wellington anniversary weekend)
- 13/14 February
- 13/14 March
- 17/18 April


Email Wellington Communications and Field Officer Hamish Carnachan if you'd like any fishing or freshwater-related items posted to this noticeboard.

​*This report was accurate at time of writing - please ensure you check the latest weather and river flow information before you head out on the water.

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