Hunting News & Events

Online mapping system helps Waikato hunters hit the mark
Planning a hunting trip in the Waikato just got easier following the introduction of new hunter access point information on the free, nationwide Walking Access Mapping System.
- 2/06/2015

Let's weed out the 'bird dumpers' giving us a bad name
Hunters who dumped birds in separate incidents in both the North and South Islands have cast a shadow over the otherwise happy start to the game bird season.
- 12/05/2015

Day licence 'great way to have a crack at game bird hunting'
If you’ve ever wondered about taking a mate or a family member out game bird hunting…here’s a reminder on how best to go about it.
- 12/05/2015

Fish & Game applauds ‘law abiding’ game bird hunters
Fish & Game rangers say its pleasing to see that a “responsible majority” of hunters in the North Island stuck to the rules as the new game bird season opened…
- 4/05/2015

Prospects 'looking up' for North Island game bird hunters
Thousands of game bird hunters will turn out this Saturday (May 2, 2015) – with hopes for a better season in the North Island – with duck numbers generally reported…
- 30/04/2015

Hunting & Fishing New Zealand’s ‘stay dry’ offer to duck hunters
Game bird hunters are again being given the chance to win a camo' hunting jacket this season if they send their duck band details in.
- 15/04/2015

Game bird hunters – ‘don’t forget ‘pegging day’ to stake out your spot
Fish & Game is urging gamebird hunters to get out now and claim the maimai or duck shooting stand they used last year.
- 2/04/2015