Manifesto Fish & Game

  • 2/11/2023

Manifesto Fish & Game

Fish & Game has a vision for New Zealand and has written to MPs and potential Ministers so they know what hunters and anglers need to keep enjoying the outdoors, rivers, and lakes in our country every day.

Our vision is a New Zealand where freshwater habitats and species flourish, where hunting and fishing traditions thrive and all Kiwis enjoy access to sustainable wild fish and game resources.

We are encouraged the new Government intends to create a new Fishing and Hunting portfolio and we look forward to sharing our vision with that new Minister.

We are apolitical. Our vision applies to any stripe of government and what we are seeking is strong and enduring changes that stand the test of time and don’t get easily derailed.

 In the manifesto we have five key requests from Government:

  1. Support to keep doing our work, by maintaining our mandate when reforming conservation laws. We’re ready to take on more, with support and funding. 
  2. Effective measures put in place to provide for healthy rivers and lakes, while reducing redtape and bureaucracy   
  3. Protection for wetlands – maintaining and enhancing existing wetlands and making it easier for landowners to create new wetlands for the benefit of all New Zealanders 
  4. Work with communities, sectors, and iwi to collaboratively develop solutions for the benefit of our communities and the environment.
  5. Enable New Zealanders to continue to get out in nature, enjoy our hunting and fishing heritage, and identity, and improve well-being. We do this by ensuring access to our natural environment, and sports fish and game, alongside indigenous species in our ecosystems. 

You can find the full document here.

At Fish & Game, we know that what’s good for anglers and hunters is good for all New Zealanders –clean and healthy waterways and thriving wetlands, sustainable sources of wild kai, and access to the great outdoors all contribute to our wellbeing. We are New Zealand’s primary freshwater guardian – we have an outstanding record of achievements in protecting and enhancing the environment and representing the aspirations of gamebird hunters and anglers, in particular:

  • Creating, restoring and protecting wetlands for gamebird hunting and conservation
  • Securing Water Conservation Orders which recognise and protect the outstanding values of our lakes and rivers for angling, recreational, and conservation
  • Advocating for and protecting access to our wild places and spaces for hunting and angling
  • Pushing for regional and national policy plans which protect the environment including setting robust bottom lines for healthy waters
  • Being an insights-driven organisation researching species, their habitats, and gamebird hunting and anglers values along with wider public perceptions. 
  • We not only focus on valued introduced species but also help protect indigenous non-game species;
  • Run events and create resources to promote gamebird hunting and angling including kids events and adult education

You can read here where your licence money goes.

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