Review of Trout Fishing Rules Underway

  • Eastern
  • 6/02/2022
  • Eastern

The Eastern Region Fish & Game Council is reviewing its local trout fishing laws

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The ‘angling rules’ are reviewed every second season by the Eastern Region Fish and Game Council.

Eastern Fish & Game Officer Matt Osborne says the ‘rules & regs’ for the 2022-23 trout fishing season are now being examined and submissions are welcome, “whether you’re a dedicated stream, lakes shoreline or boat-based angler.”

“Our sports fishing regulations are by necessity something of a balancing act where we need to set rules to ensure the sustainability of fisheries, but without unnecessarily restricting angler opportunities,” Mr Osborne says.

The review process is the perfect time for all licence holders to have a say in managing their recreation.

Fish & Game welcomes email submissions to [email protected]

If you’d prefer to write, send your comments to: Eastern Region Fish & Game, Private Bag 3010, Rotorua 3046.  The deadline is 20th March 2022.

All proposals received for the 2022-23 season, will go before a meeting of the Eastern Fish & Game Council in June 2022.


If adopted by Council, they would come into effect from 1 October 2022. 

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