Canal trout research underway

  • 10/06/2020
  • Richie Cosgrove

Canal trout research underway

A joint project between Meridian, NIWA and Central South Island Fish & Game is underway on the hydro canals near Twizel.

Up to 28 trout will be captured and tagged in the Ōhau C and Pūkaki-Ōhau A Canals.

The project aims to track the movement of the trout using acoustic monitoring equipment to better understand how localised or widespread their feeding and spawning movements might be. 

Anglers fishing these canals will come across the acoustic receivers positioned along the canal bank and we ask that you please don’t touch these. 


A tagged rainbow trout

To identify trout that have been implanted with an acoustic tag, the trout will be double tagged with yellow tags near the dorsal fin.

These tags have a unique number and the contact details for NIWA Project Manager Dr Phil Jellyman ([email protected]). 


A close up of the tag

If you catch a tagged fish, we ask you to please record the unique number and then get in contact with NIWA to report the catch. 

If possible, over the next four months, please release the fish – this will help us learn more about the fishery. 

Here’s some pointers to remember when practicing catch and release: 

  • Wet your hands and landing net before touching the fish,
  • Keep the fish in the water while removing the hook,
  • Don’t squeeze the fish and never touch the gills,
  • A quick photo in or over the water, and make it quick - the fish should not be out of the water for more than 5 seconds,
  • Revive the fish facing into the current long enough for it to regain its swimming strength,


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