Catch a fish this Labour Weekend!

  • 20/10/2017
  • Richie Cosgrove

Catch a fish this Labour Weekend!

Labour weekend holiday makers are being encouraged to use the break to get out fishing and try catching a trout or salmon for the family dinner table.

And Fish & Game is predicting the chances of success are good.

“Trout numbers are doing well in many parts of the country after a wet winter, and the increasingly warm weather means they are feeding well as they try and regain condition after a successful spawning season,” says Fish & Game New Zealand’s communications manager Don Rood. 

“While the weather will always play a role in deciding fishing success, the present forecast looks like there will be opportunities to get out for a fish at some time over the holiday weekend,” Don Rood says.

Fish & Game says Labour Weekend provides the perfect opportunity for people wanting to try trout fishing, but don’t want to commit to buying a full season licence.

“There is now a special long weekend licence available which offers new anglers the chance to try freshwater fishing,” Don Rood says.

“The short break category allows people to fish for three consecutive days, which is a great option for people going away for the long weekend.

“There is also a longer nine day licence which covers Labour weekend, the following week and the next weekend.  This allows people to get the most out of the short working week by taking four days leave and going fishing,” says Don Rood.

“On Tuesday, they will be out on the water catching fish while everyone else is back at work.”

Beginning anglers who are successful over the weekend and are unsure what to do with their catch should go to the Fish & Game website.

The website contains extensive advice and instructions on how to clean, prepare and cook your tasty trout or salmon.

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