Shoreline Fishing Revs Up With Winter’s Spawning Runs

  • 1/06/2016

Shoreline fishing is beginning to fire up on the Rotorua lakes, as wintry weather prompts trout into their spawning runs.

Shoreline one smallThe shoreline fishing has picked-up with falling temperatures and rainfall finally having an effect on spawning trout movements, says Fish & Game.

Staff say that fly fishers staking out Fish & Game release sites where spawning trout return to on lakes Rotoiti, Tarawera and Okataina, are starting to bag some nice fish when the conditions suit.

Right: These browns are always challenging taking both time and patience but the reward makes it all worthwhile – as seen in this shot of Rotorua's Ben Todd.

“But as always, you need to crystal ball a little and pick your night (or morning) for best results,” says Fish & Game Officer Mark Sherburn.

He advises anglers to take a ‘poor weather for the best fishing’ approach.

"Really, when it's wet and horrible, and the barometer is falling through the floor it's likely to be a good night’s fishing."

In April there was a slow start to spawning activity but better conditions in May have seen much improvement, he says.

“Only two fish per day were recorded in our Tarawera fish trap in April but this increased to nine per day over the first 19 days of May.

"Our runs are now ahead of last year, but so much does really depend on the conditions and trout can be very unpredictable," Mr Sherburn adds.

The Ngongotaha and Waiteti streams have had an abundance of solid browns running with many tipping the scales over 3kg and there have been some trophy-sized 5kg plus fish among them.

Mr Sherburn says that anglers are travelling big distances to fish the famous Ngongotaha stream as the upper river is only open for another five weeks. After this it closes to allow trout to spawn undisturbed.

Fish and Game staff have also been monitoring angling and fish populations at Lake Waikaremoana. Up until mid-May, fish numbers running into the streams have been low (but on par with last season). Waikaremoana lake levels have been very low and lack of rainfall appears to have resulted in fish congregating at the stream mouths waiting for conditions to change.

Fly fishers using smelt flies or dark- coloured boobies are having success at Waikaremoana.

"Fishers trolling the lake during May reported super catches on yellow, black and traffic-light coloured Tassies. The fish are well conditioned and the flesh is ideal for the table," says Mr Sherburn.

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