Fishing News & Events

Forest access extended
Angler access through Kaingaroa Forest has been extended through to and including Labour Weekend.
- Eastern
- 28/09/2017

Counting down to a new trout fishing season
Excited anglers are counting down the days until Rotorua’s “trophy” lakes re-open so they can target some of the district’s legendary trout.
- Eastern
- 25/09/2017
‘Irresistible bait’ of $10k dangled in front of anglers
Somewhere…in one of the Rotorua lakes, there’s a ‘golden trout’ worth $10,000 to a lucky angler.
- Eastern
- 21/09/2017

‘Fish for Gold’ is back - with two major prizes!
Anglers have been urged to ‘fish for gold’ again as the new trout season gets underway – with major prizes to fish for – with a combined value of over…
- Eastern
- 15/09/2017
'Last chance' to grab fine weather boat fishing
Anglers are being urged to "grab the last chance" to fish one or more of Rotorua’s three iconic lakes before they close to boaties this weekend for the rest of…
- Auckland/Waikato Eastern
- 28/06/2017

Health warning lifted for both Lake Rotoehu and Lake Okaro
The health warnings issued in November for Lake Rotoehu and in December for Lake Okaro have now been lifted by the Medical Officer of Health.
- Eastern
- 1/05/2017
‘Thousands’ of trout releases to Rotorua lakes in autumn release programme
Fish & Game’s autumn releases to re-stock the Rotorua lakes are well underway.
- Eastern
- 28/03/2017

Rotorua streams known for ‘trophy brown trout’ set to open
Anglers are gearing up to target some of New Zealand’s “biggest wild trout” as some renown Rotorua streams open for summer.
- Eastern
- 28/11/2016