Fishing News & Events
Weed Spraying, Rotorua lakes
Bofa Miskall have advised that their summer weed spraying program is due to commence on the 8th of November 2021, weather permitting.
- Eastern
- 3/11/2021
- Eastern
Opening dates change for lakes Rotoiti, Okataina and Tarawera
The traditional opening dates for lakes Rotoiti, Okataina and Tarawera are set to change for the new season.
- Eastern
- 17/08/2021
- Eastern
Notice of Ramp Closures in the Eastern Region
The Hamurana boat ramp, Lake Rotorua will be closed for works for about three weeks from the 10th of May.
- Eastern
- 1/05/2021
- Eastern
Aquatic Weed Spraying - Rotorua and Waikato Hydro lakes
7th April 2021.
- Eastern
- 30/03/2021
- Eastern
Pioneer Energy to Lower Lake Aniwhenua
Pioneer Energy Ltd on behalf of Southern Generation Limited Partnership have advised that the water level of Lake Aniwhenua will be lowered by up to two metres below its normal minimum operating level…
- Eastern
- 16/03/2021
- Eastern
Boat Fishing 'how to', Lake Tarawera, Saturday 2nd January 2021
Fish & Game provide ‘how-to’ boat fishing knowledge Fish & Game are providing a free talk and demonstration on improving angler’s boat fishing skills and knowledge this summer.
- Eastern
- 11/12/2020
- Eastern
A quick guide to fishing around Rotorua during the Covid 19 restrictions
From April 28th we will again be able to fish locally for trout around the Rotorua region.
- Eastern
- 24/04/2020
Notice office closure - Covid-19
Hello everyone. , Our offices will be closed during the Covid-19 lockdown.
- Eastern
- 26/03/2020
- Eastern
Notice Aniwhenua levels lowered
We have been advised by Pioneer Energy that water levels at Lake Aniwhenua are to be lowered as below: Pioneer Energy Ltd on behalf of Southern Generation Limited Partnership would like…
- Eastern
- 6/03/2020
- Eastern
Review of local angling rules underway
The Eastern Fish and Game Council are currently reviewing its angling rules (dubbed the ‘Anglers Notice’) and are seeking feedback on several proposed changes.
- Eastern
- 17/02/2020
- Eastern