Reel Life September 2018

  • 27/09/2018

Reel Life September 2018

With the new season now only days away from opening, anglers need to make sure that the first thing they do before even casting a line on October 1 is to protect the future of trout and trout angling.

New legislation just introduced to Parliament represents a significant threat to the way trout, salmon and other sports fish are managed in this country.

As an angler, you need to join the fight to stop the legislation going through as it stands – and make sure your mates also do their bit.

Details on just what you can do are available below or here.

Once you have done your bit, you can start thinking about the new season, which starts on Monday 1 October.

Rivers, lakes and other waterways around the country, rested over winter, re-open to fishing on that day and hopefully you have remembered to organise your leave.

In the North Island, the lakes that re-open include, of course, Rotorua's celebrated trio of Tarawera, Rotoiti and Okataina. A record run of fish through the trap on Lake Tarawera, used to source the best fish for breeding, indicates there are plenty of fish about.
Drift dives to count fish in the Tarawera Outlet also point to high fish numbers.

Fish & Game is running the popular Fish for Gold competition in selected Rotorua waters again this year, with plenty of prizes, including $10,000 for catching a tagged fish.

Auckland and Waikato fishers can dust off their fishing skills in the popular Kilwell Lower Waikato River Contest that kicks off on October 6 (see our Angling Events page here).

Down south, the word from those who know is fish the estuaries, where trout are actively feeding now the whitebait season is in full swing. West Coast estuaries can be 'trout central' this time of year. Small South Island streams are another great prospect for early fishing.

Do you want to catch a 15-pound trout? Head to Lake Argyle for opening, is the word from staff.

rl cover 2 sep 18

Thanks to Brendan Cassidy for the shot of daughter Kaitlyn with her first trout caught on her own rod on a chilly Lake Benmore

In the deep south, staff say a relatively settled winter has kept streams in good condition for trout spawning. The post-spawn recovery should be high and translate into "a few extra fish in our rivers."

So now's the time to prepare well – ensure all your fishing gear is up to scratch. Buy that licence – the one that fits your lifestyle – you've got ten options to choose from.

And even though spring is presently producing flashbacks to winter, there's the delicious prospect of some warm summer fishing a little ways down the track.

P.S. Thanks to Brett Wilson for the snap of Sid and Amanda with her 5.5lb brown from the Waimakariri River (top image).

P.P.S - If you think you've got a freshwater fishing image worthy of featuring on our 'cover', email it to Richard Cosgrove for consideration.

Fishing News

n 1 opening day

Anglers urged to 'speak out' on threat to trout and angling

Trout and salmon are facing a serious threat posed by new legislation just introduced to Parliament. The Indigenous Freshwater Fish Amendment Bill aims to provide better protection for indigenous fish such as galaxids, whitebait and eels. But the Bill also poses a serious threat to trout and angling. It allows trout and salmon to be removed from particular rivers and lakes, even if they are significant fisheries. Fish & Game Communications Manager Don Rood says that all anglers are urged to read the facts presented on and follow the advice on how to make their views clearly and strongly known. Click here for more information.



Vote now – don't delay

Anglers and hunters are being urged to "make time now" to vote in Fish & Game's elections – with a warning that choosing the best councillors to represent them has never been more important. The polls are now open in Fish & Game's elections to pick councillors to represent the interests of licenceholders, anglers and hunters, in each of the organisation's 12 regions around the country. Fish & Game New Zealand Chairman Lindsay Lyons says that it's crucial that people who are passionate and motivated about their hunting and fishing are elected to these regional councils. To vote online click here.

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Honour for former Fish & Game chief

Long serving Fish & Game NZ Chief Executive Bryce Johnson was this week officially made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen's Birthday Honours. Bryce was announced as a recipient of the honour for his decades of work protecting the environment and the rights of anglers and hunters. This week, the Governor General presented Bryce with his award at Government House in Wellington. Pictured – Bryce Johnson (left) and Lindsay Lyons. To read more click here.

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Crowd funding launched for river initiative

A novel approach is being taken to fund the restoration of a stream near near Christchurch. Fish & Game and the Water & Wildlife Habitat Trust are running a crowd funding campaign for the restoration of Silverstream, an important trout spawning tributary of the Selwyn/ Waikirikiri River. Any donation will help – and lead to more fish for you to catch! Click here for more information. Email Emily Moore on to get on the volunteers database.
 n 4 fish for gold sep 18

There's gold in them thar lakes

Fish & Game staff have released 30 special red-tagged fish all ready for Opening Day when Fish for Gold gets underway again. Staff put ten trout into each of the three lakes, Tarawera, Rotoiti and Okataina. Boaties and shore-based anglers alike can target one trout worth $10,000 and there are lots of other prizes to be won. The event runs for 14 days until Sunday October 14. Click here for details.
n 6 csi kids day

Get a Kid Fishing!

The start of the new fishing season corresponds with the beginning of the school holidays, so take this opportunity to take a kid fishing. Get them out of the house and onto the river and hopefully, you will have a fishing mate for life. To join one of our 'take a kid fishing' days, where children get expert supervision and tuition, have a look here (put link to angling events). Or call any Fish & Game office in your region for advice on gear and methods for young folks' fishing. Click here for details.

swift advert sep18stus flies ad sep 18orvis ad sep 18Advertising Opportunity!

If you would like to advertise in the above banner position and directly reach the fishing community across New Zealand, please contact Don Rood.

Streamside with...

Will Spry says there are places to fish before the high country lakes open early November...
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Chris Dore offers advice on where to go for early season action …

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Graeme Marshall has ideas on where to fish in South Canterbury as the new season gets underway...

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Martin Langlands describes how he came up with the Helter Smelter to catch sea-run trout…
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NZFFA President David Haynes says the debate over our fragile backcountry fisheries is far from new…
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Creasy's Column - By Hugh Creasy

At last the river has cleared, but still it runs high from snowmelt in the ranges. There are logs strewn on the banks – deadwood from clearfells further upstream, and they are hairy with branchlets that will catch a carelessly cast spinner or fly.

Through a maze of detritus a thick school of whitebait runs.

A shag takes its toll and with thickened crop it perches atop a bare-branched pine and croaks to its mate building a nest in the fork of the tree.

The sun lifts above the horizon, brightening the dance of swallows taking sandflies and gnats in swooping glides, seeming to defy all laws of gravity that hold humans firmly to the planet.

Although a footstep in the fast-moving current proves that gravity is not powerful enough to make wading safe. The power of the river is all too apparent...

Continue reading here.

This Month's Regional News

Click on the region to read.

Auckland / Waikato
Hawke's Bay

Nelson / Marlborough
North Canterbury

West Coast
Central South Island

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