Reel Life November 2021
- West Coast
- 19/10/2021
2021/22 season off to a wet but solid start!
Despite the frequent rainfall experience over October, the fishing is off to a promising start.
Water temperatures are still running slightly cool so fish activity isn’t high but those who have persisted have caught some cracking fish.
Right:Levi Calder got his fishing season off to a great start by catching his first-ever perch. (Photo Baylee Kersten)

Hamish Rose with two great trout recently caught in a West Coast lake. (Photo Baylee Kersten)
In particular, the West Coast lake fisheries appear to be in top shape, likely the result of the wet summers we have been experienced.
Wet summer results in plenty of food and ideal water temperatures, especially in our smaller lakes, aiding in growing some very large trout.
The warmer lower reaches of rivers and in the estuaries are also experiencing some great fishing currently as baitfish arrive in good numbers, with November and early December typically being their most productive periods.
The smaller waters offer some sight fishing for naïve trout in the early season but with their feeding activity low, the presentation of realistic food sources is going to be key to motivating a take.
Tips for targeting our lower reaches in November
- Fish the incoming tide – this is when baitfish typically arrive
- Change of light is a productive time also
- Fish the edges and around structures – they use structures to ambush prey
- Use heavy line (8-10 lb) – these fish are often large and powerful
- Check out the West Coast Estuarine Trout Fishing video
Keep an eye on your inboxes
You will be receiving some emails from West Coast Fish & Game in the coming weeks as we value your feedback!
Kyah Sutherland got her school holidays off to a great start catching her first trout. (Photo Baylee Kersten)
The first email is regarding your thoughts on amalgamation and to allow us to gauge what West Coast licenceholders views are.
There will also be a short survey being sent to West Coast sports fishing license holders as part of our three yearly regulation review.
We will be asking for feedback on a six sea-run salmon season bag limit, single hook use in South Westland lakes and the closure of Lake Haupiri over winter as well as the opportunity for you to raise any regulations you wished to be reviewed with the West Coast Fish and Game Council.
Hope to see you out there!
Baylee Kersten, West Coast Fish & Game Officer.