Reel Life November 2022

  • Taranaki
  • 16/11/2022

Reel Life November 2022

At the time of writing, the rain is falling, and the rivers are slowly rising.

The increased flows will help clear away some of the algae that have been accumulating over the last few weeks and also bump base flows up a bit.

Season reports so far are that there has been a good number of fish caught around the ringplain and in our local lakes too.

The warmer evenings are a perfect time to get out and try your luck during an evening rise.

Cicadas were heard a couple of weeks ago by staff in a few different places, so if they’re around in your area, they’ll be a good choice of imitation to target fish with.

The warm, humid conditions also mean that brown beetle are on the wing, and trout will soon be homing in on them.

For spin fishers, veltics and soft baits seem to be working a charm in both the rivers and lakes, so definitely worth a try, but pack a good old black and gold toby too, just in case.

Above Right: Nice new season brown caught by Jack Ogden

Taranaki Regional Council Natural Resources Plan consultation


Scan the QR code to have your say on the TRC’s freshwater management units.

The Taranaki Regional Council is seeking public feedback on freshwater values and their proposed freshwater management units (FMUs) through until December 9 as part of the development of its natural resources plan.

This is a chance for anglers and game bird hunters to have their say about what they value and what they want in the Plan.

Please take the opportunity to add comments to the interactive map and also in the questionnaire in each of the proposed freshwater management units.

Use the QR code or the website link to go to the TRC website, then click ‘Get Started’ to share your freshwater values. Link:

Unexplained eel deaths in the upper Whanganui catchment

Over the years, there have been sporadic reports of mass eel deaths and sometimes other fish, such as bullies and trout, in the upper Whanganui catchment, usually in summer.

In early January 2022, we received a report of up to 30 dead eels of all sizes in the Whakapapa River, and there were subsequent reports of dead and “lethargic” eels from the Manganuioteao River and the Whanganui River as far downstream as Pipiriki.

The deaths so far remain a mystery.

Last summer’s deaths were widespread enough to indicate that it wasn’t the result of a single pollution event.

Water temperatures in the mainstem were nowhere near high enough to cause mortalities, but one theory is that eels were caught in river margins and backwaters as spring flows receded, and the margins heated up enough to kill them during several days when air temperatures were in the high 30’s.

However, we just don’t know for sure.

DOC, Iwi, Horizons, MPI and Fish & Game are therefore working together to get better data on the frequency and location of fish deaths in the Whanganui catchment.

If you see any sick, dead or dying fish, please report it to the Horizons pollution hotline (0508 800 800) as soon as possible so they can follow up on any investigation required.

Take photos and report the location, date, how many of what species and how fresh they are.

This will be of great help in trying to better understand this phenomenon.

Stratford kids’ trout fishing day – 3rd December 2022

TRL3Nov22. Nixon Mason Seator

Nixon & Mason Seator with their catch from the December 2020 Stratford event.

The 25th Stratford kids’ trout fishing day is returning this year on Saturday, December 3.

This event involves the release of 300 large rainbow trout into the scout den pool in the Patea River within King Edward Park, in the heart of Stratford.

Children will be able to fish from 8 am until 1 pm with help from Stratford Fishing Club members and volunteers.

Parents and caregivers can book a 15-minute time slot for their kids by visiting the Stratford i-Site in Miranda Street Stratford or ringing them on 0800 765 6708.

The beauty of this release is that the trout can remain in the vicinity for several months, providing great fishing for novice and expert anglers alike.

If you would like to volunteer to help kids fishing on the day, please get in touch with Taranaki Fish & Game at 06 757 9676.

Tight Lines

Jacob Morison, Taranaki Fish & Game.

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