Reel Life September 2020

  • Hawke's Bay
  • 18/09/2020
  • Richie Cosgrove

Reel Life September 2020

The start of Hawke’s Bay’s new trout season is just over a week away, with opening day on Thursday October 1st.

Here’s hoping for sun for the last week or so of September and early October.

The extended forecast is for settled weather up to and beyond opening day, so rivers and streams will hopefully all be running crystal clear, enabling anglers to pick and choose where they fish over the start of the season.

Right:Giving kids a taste of trout fishing action!

Most of the larger streams and rivers throughout Hawke’s Bay hold decent fish populations and during spawning surveys carried out by staff over the winter, some big fish were recorded!

Smaller spawning streams will fish best early season before the water levels drop and temperatures increase.

Trout will quickly drop out and back into the cooler main-stem rivers, so you will have to be in quick to get the best out of these spots.

Kids and Families Fishing Events a Success

Family Fishing Course at the Game Farm

Family Spin Fishing Course.

The 2020 kids fish out day held at the Game Farm was a great success with all kids that attended walking away with a fish.

The average fish caught was 488mm in length and weighed 1.6kg with some much bigger fish landed!

Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game ran two successful spin fishing courses for families over the weekend of the 12th/13th September in conjunction with Hastings Anglers’ Club.

It was great to see everyone learning to fish together and enjoying quality family time.

We look forward to seeing you all out on the river!

Fish somewhere new this season!

Need a refresher on the fishing opportunities available in our region?click here

The Walking Access Commission website has a great mapping system which highlights all legal access across New Zealand, a great tool with topo and aerial maps to hunt out access to new water.

We want your photos

Have you taken any great photos while out on a fishing trip?

Want to share/brag with the rest of the angling community?

If so, send them into the office and you may see them up on our Facebook page or the next Reel life as our photo of the month!

Good luck to those heading out on opening day and good luck to all for the new season ahead!

Tight Lines

Jesse Fiedlander, Hawkes Bay Fish & Game Manager.

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