Will Spry's Fishing Report for Reel Life December 2017

  • 20/12/2017

Will Spry's Fishing Report for Reel Life December 2017

Mackenzie Country Report

A return to cooler weather has seen the dry fly activity of early December and late November slow right down. I am sure though that the cicada activity will return with a vengeance as soon as the hot weather returns.  Head to the hills as the low country rivers start to get low and enjoy our outdoors to their full potential.

Lakes in the region are fishing very well, with Lake Opuha being a stand out in recent times.  Fish cruising in the shallows are the easiest target, with boat anglers not enjoying as much success as shore-based anglers by reports that I’ve heard.  Why not combine some fishing on the lakes with your boating this summer! 

Finally, the hydro canals are always worth some quality fishing time.  Wetting a line after a good Christmas lunch might be just the thing for you, so be mindful of other anglers over the busy holiday period and enjoy a wonderful Christmas this year.

Will Spry


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