Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 12th March 2021

  • North Canterbury
  • 11/03/2021
  • Richie Cosgrove

Fishing report for the North Canterbury Region Friday 12th March 2021

Hello and welcome to the North Canterbury region fishing report, after a cool front moved through the South Island this week, the weather looks to be settled and calm this Saturday.

Although coastal areas could be in for some moderate north easterlies. On Sunday, the nor-wester picks up in the high country but coastal and lowland areas should be fine.

This month is all about salmon for most anglers, March is the peak month for salmon at the Waimakariri in the lower reaches. 

Flows look ideal for salmon angling in all the main alpine rivers. 

The rivers will continue to drop and clear quickly leading into the weekend. 

Remember there are only two and a half weeks left before the salmon season closes at the end of March.

Saturday will be the best day to head for high country lakes. 

The calm conditions will be very pleasant to fish in. 

The easterly should not push inland until the end of the day. 

Surface feeding activity on the lakes will depend on how warm the day will be. 

You should see some insect activity in the middle of the day. 

The mornings have been cool lately in the high country which has slowed down insect activity a little. 

This is not to say the trout are not there. 

Brown trout especially will be cruising the edges. 

Rainbow trout tend to go deeper at this time of year and are best targeted by boat. 

On Sunday the lakes are going to get rough with a developing nor-wester.

Back country rivers will be clear and fishable, the rain earlier this week was not enough to affect them at all.  Once again Saturday will be the best day before the wind picks up on Sunday.

Some southerly rain this week has topped up some of the foothill streams such as the Ashley. 

This was a welcome small fresh as some of these streams were starting to get low. 

As long as it is not too windy lowland and foothill streams will fish well during the warmer hours of the day on Sunday.  A light warm nor-wester tends to get fish feeding well.

Fishing competition at Kairaki

Fish & Game will be holding its annual Rangers competition at the Northside of the Waimakariri River mouth (Kairaki) on Wednesday the 31st of March as pictured above.

This also coincides with the last day of the salmon season so we expect there will be a lot of anglers there.

Fish & Game will be present in our tent, weigh-in will be from 7.30 am until 1.30 pm with a prize-giving shortly afterwards. 

We will run a continuous free BBQ from 9.30 am, the angler with the largest salmon will be immortalised by an engraving on the Rangers Trophy. 

The prizes are spot drawn.

Registration is on the day at the Fish & Game tent.  Please remember we need to sight your licence for you to enter.

For a salmon to be entered it must be caught on the northside of the river between the sea and the yacht club boat ramp.

Hope to see you there.

Tight lines

Tony Hawker

North Canterbury Fish & Game

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