Weekly Fishing Report – Central South Island- 24-10-19
- Central South Island
- 24/10/2019
- Richie Cosgrove
Outlook for the weekend
It is not the greatest forecast for Labour Weekend but there will be windows of opportunity for anyone willing to make it work.
In general, for the CSI Region Saturday looks fine and windy, Sunday will be stormy in the high country and windy in the low country and on Monday the winds ease a bit but there may be some cloud and light rain showers around.
Right: Two salmon and a rainbow from Lake Tekapo last Saturday - credit R De Lange
Most of our river have elevated but fishable flows from the recent few rain events, some would say these are ideal spring conditions.
The only real rain of note for the weekend is the big Westerly front predicted to hit the main divide on Sunday, so keep an eye of any rivers with headwaters deep in the mountains like the Rangitata and Ashburton.
There has been a ton of snow recently so in the afternoons you may experience the effects of snow melt which can raise flows and discolour the water slightly.
Be sure to keep an eye on the ECan river flow website to monitor the situation for yourself.
You will probably have to battle some wind but Lake Tekapo could be worth a go this weekend.
With the wind predominantly being westerly this week it will be best to head to the eastern side of the lake.
If you can find a spot with an offshore wind near a drop off or stream mouth, then belting out a 14- or 17-gram hex wobbler could get you results.
All colours seem to work but I generally use brass or silver.
The lake fishes best when it is low like it is currently as you can get right out to the drop offs easily.
I have received a couple of report that schools of salmon have been encountered this season.
The fish are around 350mm long currently, which is a size that provides a decent meal.
A while back we released these salmon as juveniles into the lake to create a ‘put n take’ salmon fishery, so we encourage you to go and harvest them.

A rusty old silver hex wobbler was successful on Lake Tekapo - October 2019– credit R Adams
The salmon were kindly donated to you by Mt Cook Alpine salmon.
There are always a few trout about, and they all take the hex wobblers.
Lake Opuha continues to produce the goods too.
Finn Stevens caught a couple of nice brown trout their last Sunday using a worm for bait.
Finn’s Dad Hamish said the lake levels were good for access and highly recommends the lake as a family-friendly fishing destination.
Hamish said the silty wash from the boat wakes on the clay banks made sight fishing a bit tricky but other than that conditions were excellent.
An inspection of the trout gut content revealed cased caddis, bullies and chironomids – something to keep in mind if you want to ‘match the hatch’.
The Stevens family also fished the lower Opihi River on Sunday with some success as the river cleared up quickly after being discoloured

Finn Stevens and his Lake Opuha brown trout' Credit K Stevens
on Saturday from overnight rain on Friday.
Notice board
Hard Labour Event
Saturday 26 October.
Kayakers will be venturing from Lake Ruataniwha down the Ohau B and C canals in the morning as part of the Hard Labour sporting event.
Please be courteous to the Kayakers during this momentary inconvenience to your fishing trip.
High country opening
First Saturday in November.
Fish & Game’s Twizel Kids Salmon Fishing Day
Sunday November 3.
Held at Loch Cameron near Twizel, registration on the day from 8:30am fishing starts at 9:00am.
Make sure you Click here for all the info.
Canal litter pick-up
Saturday November 9
Meet at Jakes Hardware in Twizel town centre at 8:30am for briefing and spot prize registration.
Free BBQ lunch and spot prize giving at 12:30pm.
Tight Lines
Rhys Adams, Central South Island Fish & Game Officer