Both Barrels July 2022

  • 19/07/2022

Both Barrels July 2022

2022 has been a great hunting season. Fish & Game has had many hunters tell us about their successes this season.

Whilst it might have been challenging at times in some parts of the country, it's one of those times to reflect on the season as the sum of all its parts.

Time to cherish the time spent with whanau and friends whilst gathering some free-range fare for the family.

It's important to note that whilst the mallard season is all but done and dusted; there are plenty of other game birds that hunters can challenge themselves with.

Be sure to check the regulation guides and find out what you can hunt in your area.

Also, don't forget we've got some great recipes in the F&G cookbook if you find the prospect of what to do with that swan or pukeko a bit of a worry.

Never fear; they are delicious and well worth the eating.

Also, remember that in the coming summer months, there are special limited open seasons for certain species in certain areas, giving you a chance to get some food for the plate once more.

If you've got any duck bands or are in any hunter diary programmes, please remember to send that information to Fish & Game, as that data is essential for our population monitoring programmes.

Your local fish & Game Office can help if you have any habitat enhancement projects that could benefit waterfowl.

The project could also be suitable for a grant from the Game Bird Habitat Trust, so give your local Fish & Game office a call to discuss.

The off-season is also a great time to do any repairs and maintenance to your maimai's, gear etc., to have things well dialled in before the next game bird season starts.

Above all, stay safe, and we'll see you all next march with the pre-season both barrels next year.

Hot Barrels.

The team at Fish & Game.

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