Both Barrels May 2021

  • Nelson/Marlborough
  • 17/05/2021
  • Richie Cosgrove

Both Barrels May 2021


Blue skies dawned on the first Saturday of May as is the norm for this region.

Staff have fielded mixed reports from Opening Day with many hunters on private ponds having a reasonably successful weekend and public land birds were earned, as they generally are.

Paradise duck numbers were high in the Nelson Tasman region and an increase in parrie harvest will be expected.

It is difficult to say at this stage how mallard harvest was, as the first game harvest survey round has not been completed, however we expect numbers to be down on last year as evidenced by our coastal mallard counts which were much lower this year.

Our compliance effort this year was focused in the Kaikoura sub-region and staff were disappointed with hunter behaviour in this area, with enforcement proceedings in place for one group.

We observed behaviour in some maimai’s that staff had not seen in the past decade or more while ranging elsewhere.

This result is disappointing and is most definitely out of the norm for this region and indeed most of New Zealand and Fish & Game will be working with authorities in the future to sort this out.


A few weeks into the game season and the uptake of the Tasman Pine Forests facilitated hunting has been excellent.

Hunters have been happy with the opportunity provided, with coveys of quail sighted on most occasions and a few birds bagged for the pot.

If you want to book a hunting block visit or click here.

Above Right: Hunters and dogs have been enjoying chasing quail within Tasman Pine Forests blocks. Photo Jack Gauld.


We still need a few more hunters for the Wakapuaka pukeko drive which will take place on 11 July.

To register for the hunt, email Jacob Lucas here.

Jacob Lucas, Nelson Marlborough Fish & Game Officer.

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