Hunters warned of central North Island lake closure

  • Eastern
  • 4/05/2017

Fish & Game is advising game bird hunters and others of a temporary closure of Lake Aniwhenua to recreational boats and kayaks.

The barrier, or boom that defines the public safety exclusion zone at the barrage (dam structure) was broken and swept away in a recent flood.

Boaties and kayakers and others could put themselves at risk with the boom gone.

Nova Energy have advised that the Rangitaiki River is still in high flow and they still need to spill water over the dam. Replacing the boom make take until Monday May 15.

The company says the closure of the lake is supported by Whakatane District Council and Bay of Plenty  Regional Council.

 Signs advising of the closure have been placed at the main access locations.

"Those who hunt the lower end of the lake will not be able to launch their boats as this is the dangerous area,” says Fish & Game officer John Meikle.

“Fortunately the upper areas of the lake delta and wetland areas are not as much affected but all care should still be taken.”

 Many hunters use this lake, mostly at the delta and upper wetlands, but its important  warnings are given, he adds.


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