Otago duck calling supremo quacks it big again
- 5/10/2017
The reigning New Zealand duck calling champion Hunter Morrow has held onto his title at the national duck calling championships over the weekend.
Hunter, who is from Otago, continued his dominance with a clean sweep of all the categories he had entered, including the Open Duck title.
Hunter with his winner's trophy.
He also became the inaugural winner of the Rod and Rifle Waterfowl Cup.
Duck Calling Championship organiser Adam Rayner says Hunter Morrow will now represent New Zealand at the world championships.
“Hunter will head to the world champs in Maryland in the U.S. to represent New Zealand – it is agreat achievement and he will do us proud on the world stage,” says Mr Rayner.
But it might be the last time.
“Given his achievements, Hunter is now retiring from the Open Duck category but will continue to give back as a judge in future years.”
The event was staged as part of the Sika Show in Taupo over the weekend and Adam Rayner says a “fantastic” crowd turned out to watch some hot competition from a record number of finalists.
Adam Rayner says it was great to see so many finalists competing fiercely against one another, “so much so that there was more tied scores than we’ve ever had before.”
It was pleasing to see the number of new competitors such as Daniel and Vince Chin from Auckland, who finished 9th and 10th respectively.
Last year’s junior winner Ben Schell placed 8th competing in his first open event, and topped his weekend off with a first placing in the Team Goose category alongside Hunter Morrow.
Team calling...Hunter Morrow (left) and Ben Schell.
“Veteran Geoff Irvine pulled out his goose call to show the young field how to do things, and provided advice to his duck calling champion daughter Holly Irvine, who finished fourth in Open Duck.”
Adam Rayner says that planning for next year’s competition is well underway.
“Once again, we must say a big thanks to our sponsors and loyal supporter Fish & Game.
“Without your involvement we wouldn't have this sport.”
Our sponsors were Cupped wing Calls, Broncos Outdoors, Rod and Rifle Magazine, Wild Habit, LoadedNZ, Callum Lanyards, Baschieri & Pellagri, Ridgeline, Fish & Game and Glasseye Creek.
Results from the 2017 Duck and Goose calling competition
1. Kellan Galloway
2. Kruz-Parker-Munn
3. Quinn Foley Smith
Open Duck
1. Hunter Morrow
2. Callum Mckenzie
3. William Tannock
4.Holly Irvine
Live Goose
1. Hunter Morrow
2. Ben Schnell
3. Sam Harrington
Team Duck
1. Holly Irvine and Hunter Morrow
2. Hunter Morrow and Callum McKenzie
3. Ben Schnell and Sam Harrington
Team Goose
1. Hunter Morrow and Ben Schnell
2. Hunter Morrow and Geoff Irvine
3. Ritson Galloway and Sam Harrington