Return your duck band details for the chance to ‘win big’

  • 14/06/2018

Return your duck band details for the chance to ‘win big’

Game bird hunters – return your duck band details and you could win a terrific “double prize” of a top quality duck hunting jacket plus a six-pack of state of the art decoys.

Each prize pack is worth nearly $600 in total – containing a Banded White River duck hunting jacket, plus a six-pack of the latest Avery GHG Fully Flocked Floating Mallard Decoys.

Hunting & Fishing has generously offered the prizes in conjunction with the U.S. waterfowling company Banded Holdings, distributors of Banded and Avery hunting gear. 

Hunting & Fishing New Zealand’s Marketing Manager, Chris Cameron, says the company is a long term supporter of Fish & Game’s game bird banding programme, which gathers crucial information on how many game birds are being harvested each year. 

Chris Cameron says Hunting & Fishing is delighted to be able to once again support the banding programme, which he says is vital for waterfowl hunting in New Zealand.

How do you get in the draw? Simple.

If you want to keep your duck bands as a momento, you don’t need to send them in. You can simply phone in, or lodge the details online. (Basic rules apply – see below for contact info).

Five winners will be drawn randomly from the list of hunters who send in their band details.

Each of the five winners will get a Banded White River hunting jacket (RRP $399.99) plus six Avery GHG 6-Pack of fully flocked Mallard floater FFD decoys (RRP $199.99). Hunters may send in multiple entries, but only one entry is permitted per duck band.

BB 3 Banding Together jacket CopyThe jacket is waterproof, breathable and includes heaps of features and pockets expressly for hunting. The Avery Fully Flocked Floating Mallard decoys are regarded as the most realistic out there this season. The winners are going to be rapt!Banding Together decoys Avery Fully Flocked Floating Decoys

Let’s band together on duck bands. The details are a crucial part of Fish & Game’s research into mallard ducks – the banding information helps them better manage the birds – and benefits you, the hunter.

Eastern Region Senior Fish & Game Officer Matthew McDougall says that Fish & Game is very grateful to see Hunting & Fishing get behind the initiative – and providing even bigger  incentives for hunters to send in their band details.

The banding helps Fish & Game determine productivity, population sizes, movement, and not least, survival rates for both adults and juveniles of both sexes.

Remember – Fish & Game doesn’t need the band itself, just the number on it and one or two other details like where and when you shot the bird.

Ring the free phone number 0800 BIRD BAND (0800-247322). Or you’ll find a ready-made form to fill out on the Fish & Game website.

Banding Together details are on our website - click here.


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