Wellington Game Bird Hunting Bulletin - 18 June 2020
- Wellington
- 15/06/2020
- Wellington
Filthy Weather Great For Waterfowling!
June 18, 2020
Some of the best waterfowling weather of the season is fast approaching and will be sitting over the lower North Island this weekend.

A brace of birds for a quick-fire morning shoot at Lake Wairarapa last week (Copyright Hamish Carnachan)
The forecast is for heavy rain with strong winds shifting all over the place. It doesn't get much better for stirring the ducks up after they've been settled for most of the early part of this week.
We're also expecting a busy hunting weekend with the 'Shortest Day Hunt' on this Saturday, meaning plenty of guns are likely to be out to keep the ducks moving.
Just a reminder to please ensure you have your licence on you. Rangers have been active this season and note that while compliance has been good, they've wasted a lot of time traipsing back to vehicles with hunters who left their licences behind.
So, when you're packing your gear out to your favourite hunting spot this weekend to make the most of the gnarly weather, check that you've got your licence too.
If you haven't been out yet this season, but are looking at the awesome conditions approaching this weekend and considering giving it a shot, grab your licence here.
Happy hunting this weekend!
Weather Outlook
Click here for updated weather information from MetService.
Reader Hunting Photos
Bobbie sent in this classic shot of his mate Julian 'flat out' duck hunting last weekend.
Thanks again to everyone who sent in their hunting images last week - the great shots just coming!
Once more it was so good for the team at Wellington Fish & Game to see more families out there doing it, and particularly the young ones who are being taught this great tradition.
This week we've chosen to share Bobbie's shot of his mate Julian 'taking a break' from hunting last weekend - We reckon it illustrates that duck hunting isn't just about pile's of birds, it's about the wider experience, the camaraderie and the laughs we have (at out mates' expense) along the way!
Please keep your great hunting pics coming. You can email them through or get in touch on the phone (06-359-0409) and we’ll let you know how best to get them to us.
Remember that it's really handy to have names of hunters too, and perhaps a few details of roughly where the pics were taken so we can caption the shots.
If you don't have pics but just want to let us know how your season is going , or ask us a question, please feel free to get in touch - (06)359-0409.
Tips For Taking Kids Hunting
A toy gun can make the little ones feel like they're part of the adventure.
Following are some tried and tested tips to help you (and your kids) survive a duck hunting excursion, particularly when things are a bit quiet.
- Pack a few favourite chocolate bars or biscuits and pull them out when the kids start showing signs of getting restless.
- Make a cup of Milo because everyone knows there’s nothing surer to get the birds decoying in than having your hands occupied with a Thermos and mug.
- Pack some cards or a book for them to read.
- I’ve often let the kids take their BB gun out so they can practice target shooting (it’s quiet enough not to disturb any ducks); you can set up competitions and it really helps wile away the downtime… just don’t let them target your good fully-flocked decoys!
- The time-honoured tradition of Eye-Spy works for younger kids and, at least, everyone’s looking out or up.
- Finally, if it’s a deal breaker between the kids coming hunting or staying at home, allow some form of technology in the maimai. The fact of the matter is, when the birds start coming in and the gun is going off they quickly lose interest in any gaming.
We have to consider that times change and we have to adapt if we want our kids to have enjoyable memories of sitting in the maimai. Creating the next generation of hunters requires a bit of give-and-take but in the long run the time invested will pay dividends!
- By Fish & Game officer Hamish Carnachan.
Lake Wairarapa hunting stands
Lake Wairarapa Hunters are reminded that we need photos of their maimais as requested.
Please email these into us with your stand number and, if possible, GPS coordinates.
Thanks to those hunters who have already been in contact.
JK Donald Block Access
Access to the JK Donald Block is currently disrupted while the bridge across the Otakura Stream is replaced. The work is expected to take several more days yet.
Anyone whose hunting plans may be affected should contact Wellington Fish & Game and we'll put you in touch with the landowner who may be able to facilitate an alternative route to the JK Donald Block.
Pheasant Hunting Opens At Santoft Forest
Upland game hunting is now available in the Ernslaw Santoft and Waitarere forests in Manawatu.
You must apply to Wellington Fish & Game by email or phone (06-3590409), and we’ll issue you a permit, maps of open areas, and advise you of other requirements for hunting in the forest.
We emphasize that you must have a hunting permit and stick to the designated hunting areas. Anyone who fails to meet these requirements will be trespassed.
Hunting in the forests is a privilege. Please make sure you meet your obligations so we can continue to have upland game hunting at these sites.
Don’t Forget Those Bird Bands
Please get band details into us for any birds you’ve harvested carrying this precious metal.
By all means, keep the band, but the details are really important for us in terms of providing information we use for the management of mallards in the lower North Island.
Band info can be emailed to us or use the free-phone number 0800 BIRD BAND.