Reel Life January 2025 - Northland

  • Northland
  • 21/01/2025

Reel Life January 2025 - Northland

River and stream update

Rainfall has been at historically low levels for the last year, this has led to the rivers also running low. This is nothing new for Northland.  There is rainfall predicted in recent weather forecasts so hopefully the rivers will get a freshen up.

In spite of this trout can still be found in the rivers and streams in decent numbers. They are actively feeding on the surface at the moment on a variety of summer insects. Green beetles, wasps, bees, cicada have all been found in the guts of caught trout.

Trout are concentrating on deep and shaded pools at this time of year. So vegetated parts of the river and deep runs should be the target areas. Dry flies such as blowfly and cicada imitations can induce some exciting takes, and the usual performers like veltic spinners are still working well.

The stomach contents of a trout from the Kaimamaku Stream showing wasps and beetles in the diet.

Big dry flies are working well and can produce an exciting strike

Regulation Changes

No changes to the regulations. All our waters are open year-round to all permitted methods.

We need your help!!

If you catch any trout in Northland can you please weigh and measure the fish. Then send that information to us either via email or messenger. Any size fish will give us useful information on the health of the fishery. Don’t worry we will keep your prized spot secret. Any fish catch data submitted will go into the draw for a whole season licence.

Take the Family Fishing

The new season commences on Saturday 1st October 2024. The family licence is by far the best value for money licence on offer. A family licence can be made up of two parents or grandparents and up to four of their children or grandchildren under the age of 18. This licence can also be used anywhere in NZ, except the Lake Taupo fishery.

For more information about the new seasons licences check out our website:

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