Reel life January 2025

  • F&G NZ
  • 23/01/2025

Reel life January 2025

Waitangi Weekend

Summer has finally arrived, almost in time for Waitangi Day, and what better way to make a Waitangi weekend than by getting out exploring some of New Zealand’s awesome freshwater fishing spots?

Anglers our rangers have been talking to have been having a good summer fishing even if the weather hasn’t played ball.

Our lakes in both islands have been fishing really well, and the plus side of summer rain has meant our rivers have been kept topped up with water.

Pictured above: Double hookup! Credit: Scott Taylor.

What better way than to enjoy these fishing conditions than by opening the door that your fishing licence provides you. Just like the anglers above who had a double hook and landing whilst fishing the Eastern region.


New Minister for Hunting & Fishing 

Fish & Game New Zealand is pleased the Government has retained the Hunting and Fishing portfolio and looks forward to working with the newly appointed Minister James Meager.

“The portfolio reflects Fish & Game’s vision for a New Zealand where hunting and fishing traditions thrive, and all New Zealanders enjoy access to a healthy environment and sustainable wild fish and game resources,” says Fish & Game chief executive Corina Jordan.

“Kiwis have a deep connection to our wild spaces, and a strong history of hunting and freshwater fishing.

“It’s vital that we ensure these habitats and the species they support are healthy and that hunting and fishing remain part of the fabric of the country.

“Hunting and freshwater fishing not only provide sustainable kai for our families, but also foster a deep connection to our natural environment, provide physical and mental health benefits, and an opportunity to connect with family and friends.

“Minister Meager is a keen outdoors enthusiast and we look forward to working closely with him to help support recreational hunters and anglers, enhance public access to natural resources, protect our natural environments and the valued introduced species that live there.”

Fish & Game’s key priorities include advocating for the interests of hunters and anglers, protecting and enhancing access to our wild places, legislative reforms, working collaboratively with rural communities and mana whenua to protect and restore habitats, and foster the next generation of hunters and anglers.

Fish & Game New Zealand also thanks outgoing Hunting and Fishing Minister Hon. Todd McClay for his dedication during his tenure.

“Minister McClay has been a passionate advocate for hunters and anglers, and was pivotal in the establishment of the Hunting and Fishing portfolio. He recognises the importance of hunting and freshwater fishing in New Zealand, along with the sustainable management of game bird and sports fish species while safeguarding the habitats that support them.

“He has also worked hard to address important issues like improving access with a new Charter and strengthening collaboration across agencies responsible for managing sport fish and game birds.”

Minister James Meager. Credit: Facebook 


Arms Act Submission

Minister James Meager doing clay target shooting last year. 

Not many anglers know that about 20% of our anglers hold a Firearms Licence.

The Ministry of Justice is currently undertaking consultation on the rewrite of the Arms Act. Anyone can provide feedback until 28 February.

All information on how to make a submission, including the discussion document and the summary version, can be found on the Firearms Reform webpage at

In October last year, Fish & Game provided some initial feedback relating to shooting clubs, shooting ranges, and other matters, as part of the wider Arms Act rewrite.


Fish Futures Survey

Help shape the future of NZ’s freshwater fish management AND be in to win a $100-$500 Hunting & Fishing voucher!

Researchers from the Cawthron Institute and Fish & Game NZ are running a survey for anyone who goes freshwater fishing. We want to understand the value of different fishing experiences and your views on modified fishing environments like canals and stocked ponds.

Your answers will help Fish & Game NZ to get more people involved in freshwater fishing, and to make policy and management decisions that reflect what matters to you.

The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Take the survey here: 


Licence Photo Competition Winner

The December winner of the Fish & Game Licence Photo Competition is Craig McEwen from Taranaki, with this lovely picture of a Taranaki ringplain brown trout.

Craig is the second monthly winner of a $250 Kilwell voucher. January entries are open and get your entry in now here.

It’s your chance to get a photo you have taken on the 2025/2026 Fishing Licence. Generously sponsored by Kilwell Sports, the four monthly winners go into the grand prize draw in March for an additional $1000 voucher.



We had a recent query about the recommended techniques anglers (and waterway users) should use to stop the spread of aquatic pests.

Recently the MPI website was updated with the new best practice, and with specific techniques for each of the islands.

We recommend that anglers get up to speed by visiting this page so that you don’t spread any aquatic invasive pests.

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