Reel Life September 2021
- Taranaki
- 30/08/2021
Good early spring fishing close to home
The current spell of fine weather has meant that river flows have come down nicely and the reaches open to winter fishing provide an opportunity to stretch the legs, practise casting and catch some nice trout prior to the season opening on October 1st.
For those in New Plymouth, the lower Waiwhakaiho River is in great condition and there is good access to the winter reach over the stopbank at the river end of Constance Street, or along the walkway at the right-hand end of Rimu Street extn.
Above Right: Fishy water in the lower Waiwhakaiho River.
If this dry spell continues then the lower Waitara River will also be productive for the spin fisher, with access to the upper tidal reaches from Mamaku Road.
The lower Manganui River below Bristol Road will also be well worth a visit, with access through the tracks in Everett Park.
Even the lower Waingongoro River, which usually carries plenty of water in the early season, is looking very fishable at present, with access to the winter reach from Ohawe or from SH45, where anglers can park by the old bridge, cross over and walk downstream through the old quarry site.
Once we get to Alert Level 2, the lower Patea River between McColl’s Bridge and Patea Dam will be well worthwhile if you want a backcountry fishing experience within an hour’s drive south of Hawera.
Just check the flows on the TRC’s website before leaving – the river fishes best when flows are less than 25 m3/s. See:
Unfortunately, a period of intense rainfall on 17th July 2021 re-started headwater erosion in the Stony River and in the Waiaua River at Opunake.
Both rivers are currently full of sand and unfishable.
For those wanting a lake fishing experience, Lake Rotomanu located near the Waiwhakaiho River mouth contains rainbow trout and perch.
Lake Ratapiko, located 9km down Tariki Road has brown and rainbow trout as well as perch.
For the fly fisher, Lake Mangamahoe provides a welcome opportunity to fish for cruising brown and rainbow trout.
New season licences on sale now!
Licences for the 2021/2022 fishing season are available either online through the Fish & Game website or at your local fishing store once we get to Level 2.
There are 10 different fishing licence categories available including the Local Area Licence which is perfect for New Zealand residents who only fish their home region.
The Loyal Senior Licence is for the long-time older Kiwi angler and the Short Break (three-day) and Long Break (nine–day) licence are perfect for holidaymakers.
Of course, the premier licence remains the Whole Season licence, which allows the holder to fish anywhere in NZ except the Taupo trout fishery run by the Department of Conservation.
Don’t forget to ‘Check, Clean & Dry’
Please check, clean and dry any clothing, equipment and fishing gear before moving between waterways to help prevent the spread of didymo, lake snow and other freshwater pests.
While didymo hasn’t been found in the Taranaki Fish & Game Region to date, not all catchments are tested, and the only safe option is to act as if the water you are fishing in has didymo, but the next one you’ll visit, does not.
For more information go to:
Tight Lines
Allen Stancliff, Taranaki Fish & Game Officer