Central South Island Weekly Fishing Report - 30 January 2025

  • Central South Island
  • 30/01/2025

Central South Island Weekly Fishing Report - 30 January 2025

Waitaki Tributary Triumph

Long leaders, light tippet, and small flies proved essential for Mason Court when fishing one of the Waitaki tributaries over the weekend. Mason skilfully caught and released a few healthy rainbow trout.

Pictured above: Mason Court utilized a size 14 gold beaded pheasant tail to account for this lovely coloured rainbow trout. Credit: Christi Viljoen.

Masons report:

While numerous fish were out feeding, flat light conditions made it challenging to spot both rainbow and brown trout holding close to the edges.  Fish sitting in pools were often far more difficult to tempt than those in faster water, as they had more time to inspect and reject offerings.

Small mayfly patterns, such as Parachute Adams and Dad's Favourite in size 14, along with small gold-beaded pheasant tail nymphs in size 14, delivered success.

As the afternoon progressed and temperatures dropped, the fish became more active, moving into faster riffle water and readily taking nymphs.

Whilst there was plenty of fish around, larger flies or poorly executed casts quickly spooked entire pools or runs, making it vital to ensure your first cast counts.


Latest Salmon Fishing Techniques Video

Howard Lewis hooks into yet another salmon. Credit: B Harper.

This week a brand new “how to video” has been created and shared on our Facebook and Instagram profiles by CSI Fish & Game Officer, Blake Harper.

Blake has teamed up with two local experienced sockeye anglers, Howard Lewis and Nathan Upton-Gill to showcase proven, effective techniques and strategies for targeting sockeye salmon in Lake Benmore / Te Ao Mārama.

If you want to learn how to catch sockeye salmon in Lake Benmore, this is a much watch! Click here to see the video.

With only a few weeks remaining to catch sockeye salmon in their prime condition, now is the perfect time to head out and target these fish, which are known for their excellent eating quality.

While you’re on our Facebook page please like, follow and share our content.
Social media is where you can keep right up to date with everything we’re up to at CSI Fish & Game.
Any questions are still best directed towards [email protected] or phoning 03 615 8400.


Got a question? Ask a Fish and Game Ranger

CSI Fish & Game Ranger Jase Van Beers catching up with a compliant angler. Credit: N Dellaway.

Many anglers, when being checked on by a Fish and Game Ranger, take the opportunity to clarify a regulation that’s got them thinking.

You don’t have to be checked by a ranger to get clarification. Our rangers are here for you and welcome friendly conversation while out ranging our waterways.  Feel free to get in touch with one of our four Fish & Game staff rangers by contacting our Temuka office, phone (03) 615 8400 during office hours, or you can email – [email protected]


We Want Your Angler Reports from Waitangi Day/Weekend

Boat anglers on Lake Aviemore net a fine catch. Credit: H Stevens.

With Waitangi Day coming up next Thursday, please keep us in mind if you’re heading out fishing for the day or taking Friday off to make a four-day fishing trip.

Don’t be shy, we’d love to receive your angler reports across the Central South Island region!

A tidy, respectful landscape (horizontal) photo makes for a professional presentation.

Please email Jase at [email protected] with photos and anything else of interest.


Weather and Water Outlook

  • There are some great weather forecasting websites available, we use YR.NO and Metvuw
  • Keep a close eye on river and lake levels at Environment Canterbury’s River Flow Website here and rainfall website here.
  • Outdoor Access NZ offer high quality live stream webcams of some of Canterbury’s favourite fishing spots. This is a subscription-based service, but they do offer a 30-day free trial.

Notice Board

ECAN Spraying

Targeted riverbed weed control works in South Canterbury rivers will be starting February through March 2025

WHAT: Targeted weed control using helicopters for aerial spraying.

Signage indicating that spraying is underway will be placed at all spray operation refilling stations and public access points on the river. Public access will be restricted during operations.

Visit the Current works page on the ECAN website, here for more information. 

We will endeavour to keep you up to date with when operations will be taking place.


Meridian Energy Limited

On the 20th of February and 19th of March Meridian Energy Ltd have their planned flushing flow programme scheduled for the Lower Waitaki River.

Meridian are required to put ‘flushing flows’ down the Waitaki river per the following consent requirement:

“On or after midnight on 31 August 2017, the Grantee shall pass flows into the Lower Waitaki River of at least 450 cubic metres per second for a duration of not less than 24 hours 7 times per calendar year of which no fewer than 2 must be in the period 1 February to 31 March”

Mid-Summer Duck Season

CSI’s mid-summer duck season is open over the next two weekends 1-2 and 8-9 February, north of the Ōpihi River.  Be sure to study up on the regulation guide, here, before heading out for a hunt. 


Please remember to share your angling experiences with us, it helps make our reports more engaging and inspiring for everyone! Please email your reports to Jase, here.

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